Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ship's Log June 22, 2011

Ahoy! Me next writings be about me Cap'n Tyndall's novel 'The Reliance'.
Here be the description from Cap'n Tyndall's website:
Tormented by his wife's apparent demise, Edmund Merrick sails away to drown his sorrows-only to find himself trapped in the dark world of a demented Frenchman. When his mind clears from its rum-induced haze, will Edmund find the will to escape? Seemingly abandoned by her husband, Charlisse is thrown into the clutches of the vengeful pirate Kent. Will she be swept away by the undertow of treachery and despair? Can Edmund and Charlisse steer their way to the faith-filled haven they so desperately seek, or will they ultimately lose their love and lives to the sea?
This continuing story about Captain Edmund Merrick and Charlisse is just as exciting as 'The Redemption'. The whole time I was reading this novel, I wanted to physically grab Merrick by the shoulders and shake some sense into him. This story plays out so vividly in your mind, that you feel like you are right there within arms reach of each character. The introduction of the relationship between Kent and Isabel was well written. There are many readers out there that would reject a 'pirate' book solely on the fact that it is about pirates. But, I encourage those same people to pick up this novel and give it a chance. There will not be any disappointments. You will be swept up into a world of faith, history, adventure, romance.......I can go on and on. MaryLu Tyndall's novels have it all! Happy reading and God bless!
I encourage you to go to MaryLu's website and watch the videos for her books.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ship's Log June 5, 2011

Ahoy! Me be startin' off me musings with MaryLu Tyndall's first novel, 'The Redemption'.
Before each review, I will be copying a description of each novel from MaryLu's website:
Lady Charlisse Bristol sets off on a voyage in search of a father she never knew, only to find herself shipwrecked on a desert island. Near starvation, she is rescued by a band of pirates and their fiercely handsome leader, Edmund Merrick. Will Clarisse win her struggle against the seductive lure of this pirate captain? While battling his attraction to this winsome lady, Edmund offers to help Charlisse on her quest-until he discovers her father is none other than Edward the Terror, the cruelest pirate on the Caribbean. Can Edmund win this lady's love while shielding her from his lecherous crew and working to bring her father to justice?


I had never heard of MaryLu Tyndall before I read this novel. My daughter had bought the trilogy for herself and after reading the description, I asked to borrow 'The Redemption'. Well, after just the first few pages, I was hooked. MaryLu's style of writing is unique. She manages to pull you right into the story and keeps you there until the very end............of course, in a triolgy, the end isn't until the end of the third novel.
I always thought of pirates as exciting, yet taboo, because of their nature. In 'The Redemption', MaryLu shows us that even the vilest pirate can have compassion and regrets. In her novels she combines faith, romance and adventure on the high seas!
History is a large part of MaryLu's novels. I have never liked studying history, not in school or later in life. I now find myself intrigued by the history that these novels bring to life.
The main character, Lady Charlisse Bristol, is a very brave woman. All that she has to endure to find her father is astounding! You will find yourself routing for her and worrying about her. Of course, there is a handsome pirate in the story, Captain Edmund Merrick. The way these two characters play off of each other is hilarious. I really had a hard time putting this novel down. I lost a lot of sleep while reading it, as I do with each of MaryLu's novels.
So, if you are looking for a very good read, pick up 'The Redemption' and enjoy a novel with faith, intrigue, romance, high seas adventure, history and pirates! It will be the best 'movie' you have never seen.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ship's Log June 3, 2011

Ahoy to all ye who fancy yerselves to be pirates! Soon me blog will be havin' me musings about me Cap'n Tyndall's novels. Read them all, I have, and tellin' about them, I shall. There be plenty o' troubles on the shore for meself, but I be doin' me best to keep to me duties, as set forth by the Cap'n. There be other author's logs that I be reading and maybe there will be a word or two 'bout their works. But, me Cap'n be first and foremost on me list. Now, it be back to the crow's nest fer me!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Remembering a pet (updated on April 4, 2011)

It's always hard to say goodbye to your pet. With me it was especially hard because my pet guinea pig, Flower Rose, died in my arms. She was old and I knew she was dying, but it still hurts. She was cremated and I put her ashes in one of my huge potted plants. A lot of people bury their pets in the back yard. We do not own our home, so if we move we leave any buried pets behind. With Flower's ashes in my potted plant, she will go wherever we go. And every time I look at the plant, I will think of her. I also created a scrapbook of all the photos I've taken of Flower. It's important to have a memento of your beloved pet, to honor their memory. Out of all the pets that we have raised (17 in all) I have only really gotten attached to four of them. They are: Flower Rose, my other guinea pig, Jack, and my little dogs, Norman and Petey. I was attached to our cat, Precious, also, but that was years ago. If you have ever had to say goodbye to a beloved pet, always know that your life was enriched greatly. Count yourself blessed.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Not all pets are the same (Updated on April 4, 2011)

If you have ever owned a guinea pig, you know that it can be a very rewarding experience. They can give you years of love and laughter. Even though most guinea pigs only live to be under ten years old, the time you have with them is worth it. I recently had to say goodbye to a wonderful guinea pig, Flower Rose. She lived to be 6 years old and at that age she was considered an elder. She was a beautiful little girl and I will miss her a lot. I got Flower Rose back in 2002 along with another female, Sweetie Pie. Sweetie Pie was my daughter's pet. She died from pneumonia when she was about 2 years old. Since then, I have raised 8 guinea pigs. ( not including Flower Rose) Right now, I only have one guinea pigs. The others have either passed away or went to another home to live. The one that I still have is a male, Stuart Little Jack Sparrow (he goes by Jack). Jack is going to be 6 years old this year. I also have two small dogs. Norman is a four year old min pin/chi and Smitty is a mini doxie. (he turns two in late October) Most parents out there would agree that when it comes to pets, the Mom is usually the person who REALLY takes care of them. My case was no different. Out of all of the pets that we have had over the years, only 2 or 3 have had the attention of the child it was bought for. Luckily, guinea pigs are easy to care for. Believe it or not, you can teach guinea pigs to do certain tricks. And I've learned that carrots are their "chocolate". I can go on and on, but I will stop for now.